Sunday 13 April 2014

Parents were banned from naming their son ‘Wikileaks’ because it would endanger the baby’s welfare according to Bavarian authorities

Y'all remember how the story of Julian Assange and his Wikileaks project caused a furore in the corridors of power the world over, right? One new father, Hajar Hamalaw, especially admired Assange’s deeds, and he chose to name his newborn son Wikileaks, a name the Bavarian registry office has refused to add to their register.
A native of Iraq, Hamalaw, who resides in southern Germany had such admiration for the whistleblowing site that he wanted to name his son after it. The local authorities in Passau were against the idea though, and they banned him from naming his son this way since it would endanger him. German law bans giving a child any first name that could jeopardize their welfare in any way.
28-year-old Hamalaw was quoted as saying his intention was only based on his admiration for what Wikileaks has managed to accomplish, and he was forced to settle for a less ostentatious name in ‘Dako’.