Wednesday 2 April 2014

Many cultures have the same belief that the Earth rests on the back of a giant turtle

Man has made giant leaps in a bid to understand the mysteries around him. Things like how continents shift, the shape of the earth, how mountains and canyons form and so on. Coming to the correct understanding did take a lot of trial and error, so sample this one.

True story, even in this day and age: there are indeed people who believe that we live on the back of a giant turtle. There are other theories that also claim we live on the back of a serpent or elephant, but this post is just about turtle theory – apparently the most popular belief in this category of beliefs.
It is better known as the Geoterrapinism Theory. It was first brought to the European public attention in the 1600’s when a man going by the name Jasper Danckeaerts heard about it from some Native American he stumbled upon.
It is not just the natives who held this belief of the world resting on the back of a turtle – the Indian and Chinese cultures believed in it too.